Friday, January 31, 2014

20% Project Pitch

I am going to research different fields of engineering and how each contributes to society.
Concerns I have for the pitch is presenting what my final product will be. The uncertainty I have with what object to build may make me nervous. I also feel that this project is too general. I want to research certain fields more than others, but as of now, I am starting fresh, without much knowledge of engineering. The lack of knowledge resulted me into researching into "just all things engineering." The confidence I have with the pitch is the excitement of studying engineering as a passion. Engineering and just inventing and math have always caught my attention. In my pitch presentation, I feel confident stating the research and subcategories of engineering I will undergo to complete this project.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thoughts on 20% Project

This project so far has exposed to me to many different ideas. This exposure encourages me to explore the world with a motive of curiosity. Additionally, the 20% project, with its general and broad topic requirements, forces me to think about what I really want to learn about and what I want to do with my life. With this in mind, I decided to study about engineering. Because half of my mom's side of the family was into an engineering field, I have always heard plans of making models and other inventions, but never knew what engineers exactly did. Ever since I was little, when my mom told me that her career involved designing and innovating, like designing things to make up the Gameboy, I was interesting in inventing. My interest has grown so much since then. I try to get involved in clubs and activities requiring the use of imaginative minds to invent and build projects. I hope to use this 20% project to study about the different fields of engineering to be a little educated about the career that I am aiming for.
I found this website just curious about what engineering even was. This website gives me a general idea of engineering, the different fields, and the benefits of engineering. General and broad notes like these are the basics and fundamentals that I need to know about engineering.
After reading the different fields of engineers, I was attracted to mechanical engineering because mechanical engineers were the one to invent things. With that career to pursue in mind, I searched for career information on mechanical engineering. My goal is to get a better view on this career for future references.