Friday, May 2, 2014

Blog #11

Over spring break I got a general idea and design of my civil structure. This weekend I plan to wrap up my final products and start preparing for the upcoming presentation. I obviously need to work on my presenting skills because I am a really shy person. I believe that if I am prepared and confident, I can step up and present loudly and clearly to the class.

This image is to represent an ideal mood when presenting. For me, it might be difficult, but I need to start trying to improve my public speaking skills. I am really grateful that I attend schools with teachers that constantly push students. If my teachers had not constantly showed me videos of people speaking out, then I would not have realized how important it is to have good public speaking skills. What motivates me the most is when young kids, close to my age or younger, speak out in public. Public speaking gives you a voice and that voice will carry you a long way in life.