Since blog entry #1 and #2, I have researched the different types of engineering and how it affects our daily life, which in turn would influence my final product. I found two useful websites, where the websites are hands on and show you how one could relate their daily lives to engineering. One website is:, providing various ideas of fun projects to explain concepts of engineering. From my last blog, I stated that I was struggling to find a final product for the 20% project. I have been considering making many smaller final projects to cover more fields of engineering. This website gave me many ideas of final products that I could do by myself. The other website is: , which is an organization trying to help expose engineering to people of all ages. The website contains many features and is fully-loaded with information. Information on this website includes in-depth detail about different types of engineering and learning modules to help people visualize the concepts of engineering better. The website also notify and recognizes many successful people in that certain field of engineering and also displays a list of colleges that provide excellent programs within that field of engineering.