Lately, I have been trying to find new projects to do. Last Friday, I went to an engineering presentation here at school, provided by the MESA program. Unfortunately, majority of the college students were still taking their general education and could not provide much information on engineering. I did learn about college, programs, and applying. Last weekend, I attempted to do the water clock project, but did not make precise measurements and cut the hole too big on the container. The water dripped out too quickly and resulted in inaccurate time measurements. Over spring break, I plan to redo my water clock, finish my civil structure models, and maybe even do a catapult. From there, I will look at my research and try to think of ideas for projects I can do.

This image reflects on my spring break. I will be filled up with the 20% project, a history project, badminton, and most likely, helping others. I need to stay working so I do not become lazy. At the moment, I always feel lazy and I need to get out of this bad habit and personality.