Thursday, April 10, 2014

Blog #9

Recently, I have been thinking that I should make a Ping-Pong ball catapult. This project is complicated and any minor error I make will alter the whole catapult's appearance and ability to perform properly. Making even the slightest of changes or mistakes can make it fling the Ping-Pong ball a shorter distance as well as a different angle, as opposed to flinging it straight. I have gathered my materials for the water clock and civil structures. This weekend, if possible, I will finish these and try to post some pictures on my next weekly blog. Furthermore, tomorrow, I will be attending this engineering presentation provided by the MESA program. Students from San Jose State University will be giving the presentation. I will take some pictures and also upload them to my blog. The presentation excites me not only because it is about engineering, but also they might provide me with information that I do not have and may give me more ideas for more final products.
This excited face represents all the upcoming projects I will be doing. I do not see this project as an obligation, but a sort of hobby and something fun to do when I have free time. Also, there is an engineering presentation tomorrow that I will be looking forward to after school.

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