Thursday, April 3, 2014

Blog #8

Lately, I have been thinking about making model bridges like the civil engineers. I am still trying to figure out what materials to use. Like the project for MESA, I could use a balsawood-like material if I can. If I am unable to get my hands on these materials then I think I will just use popsicle sticks as a substitute. I will try to do the water clock this weekend if I have time during the day. Last weekend, we had a family get together  throughout the day. I want to try to do these projects during the day so I can show the progress and final products of these projects in pictures with good lighting. I was informed by my mother that this past week, my uncle, who was supposedly my mentor, went to work at 9 a.m. and got home at 9 p.m. I never realized that an engineer needed to work that long for a whole week, especially being his own boss.
This image could describe me as I am spilling out my emotions to my friends or to myself. I do not want to make excuses, but about three hours of my day gone because of a sport is sort of taking a swing at me. I feel overwhelmed with work and badminton, trying to fight off any desires of sleeping. As my grades fall, my self-esteem diminishes and I feel somewhat careless. Not sure what kind of psychological or growing phase I am going through, but I feel overwhelmed.

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