Thursday, March 20, 2014

Blog #6

Lately, I have finished all of the research I plan to do. To compliment the final products though, I will do more research. Unfortunately, I did not start any of the final  products yet. Lately, I have just felt tired and found myself coming home and sleeping right away. I feel like I could of gotten more done, but lately I just found myself needing more sleep. Something interesting I did this past week was that barely any AP World History homework was given and I used this opportunity to increase my average hours of sleep per day by about three.

This image can relate to my progress on the 20% project recently. I have been lazy not doing the project. My sluggish behavior will have me cramming the project and have a possible effect later on like what that bottle of beer might do for the cat. I also feel tired and sleepy every time I sit on the couch, which is really preventing me from doing my homework lately.

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