Friday, March 28, 2014

Blog #7

Nothing new has actually happened with this 20% project this past week. I have been exhausted by AP World History homework and studies as well as badminton late in the evening. I have thought about a possible water clock to make though. I plan to make a water clock to measure a short amount of time like less then five hours. I cannot say that I am happy with the lack of progress, but I cannot exactly tell myself that I am failing considering the amount of reading and work I have been doing. Earlier this week, something interesting was that even though we were required to study three essay prompts for World History and be prepared to write an essay for any of the three, he played with our minds and gave us all the same prompts.
This is me every night after eating dinner. I am not used to playing a sport and being outside of house this late. Badminton relieves stress within me, especially the stress and tension between my parents and I. Unfortunately, badminton makes me so tired I come home and eat dinner and sleep. Not sure if it is majorly affecting my school work, but I feel like I have fallen behind in the 20% project compared to others.

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