Thursday, March 13, 2014

Project Update

I researched different types of engineering and plan to make projects covering the concepts used in those types of engineering. 
I will be nervous tomorrow, especially since I am speaking to many people I normally do not hang out with. While I respect my classmates, I do not view them as close friends, with only seeing them for about an hour a day. This makes me feel unwelcome, while expecting and fearing judgement. Additionally, I am still unsure of exactly what my final product is going to be, while only sure of what categories the projects will fall under. I feel that going first will alleviate the stress, but it also takes a lot of courage to volunteer first. Also, being among my fellow genius classmates, it is safe to predict that there will be confident volunteers. I believe that I will have nearly no confidence and that I will struggle trying to remember what I want to say. Public speaking is not one of my strong suits. Here are the main websites that I found my information and research from:

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